Although it took me a little while to warm up to the idea of using a GPS, once I got one, I found them almost indispensable. This walkthrough is my basic workflow on getting a .gpx file into my eTrex 20. As much as the Garmin eTrex is a great piece of hardware, it’s software Continue reading…
Mon Nov 23 2015 – Off Looks like Monday is becoming me default, “off” day – work just needs to get taken care of, which is fine. Tue Nov 24 2015 – Sunshine Canyon/Gold Hill up! Lefthand/Lee Hill down (S) Another wonderful ride up Sunshine Canyon/Gold Hill. I could write an entire love letter to Continue reading…
Woo boy. The difficulties of writing the things you do down, in order to keep some sort of history of said things. And for what end? I’d like to say it’s so that I can use it to look back, and track progress and all that. I do it – or want to do Continue reading…
Monday, Oct 26 2015 – Bouldering @ Movement Good boulder sess. today – very quick warmup of some V0’s and V1’s, which mutated into playing One Less Hold on some V1s until that got boring. Then I moved over to a V5 project I was working on a bit. Managed to send that problem. My Continue reading…
Thanks everyone who made the time to come over to Neptune Mountaineering and participate in my talk! I really appreciate everyone’s interest and support! Thank you Neptune Mountaineering for hosting the event! GPS tracks of the routes I presented are available on my Strava Routes page: Some of the routes/races I mentioned:
It was many things, to many, many people. Here’s what it meant to me: Salvagetti + Happy Coffee: a bike drive thru to by coffee + bike parts, open early in the morning. Another master idea by Scott. I borrowed those beefy tires from one of the mechanics of Salvagetti to try to ride this Continue reading…
Mon Sep 21 – Neighborhood Trails (s) Quickie around the trails near my house. Funnily, I’ve never been to any of these trails, which is a little embarassing. Good tuneup for the rest of the week, I guess.
The summit of La Plata, my third fourteen thousand foot mountain for the day, still seemed impossibly far away. The storm system that had surprisingly reappeared just over my shoulder was now again not so quietly building up force. Thunder boomed. On any other day I would have called it.
Shortly after finishing up 34 days of bagging some high peaks, self-powered. Since completing my own Tour 14er, where I rode to, then summited the 58 (by my count) Colorado mountain peaks over 14,000 feet, I’ve started to get a fair bit of correspondence from people telling me that they’re inspired by what I’ve Continue reading…
After crossing the finish line, letting out a long slow exhale, a big smile – and then a little cry to myself in the corner of the parking lot: my 2015 Dirty 30 was in the bag @ 5:50:33. Relief. The days leading up to the race were a little less than ideal: I caught a Continue reading…
I was asked by UD to attend the Runners High Fun Run. But. There’s… things about me you don’t understand. I Am A Loner Dottie, (A Rebel!), so getting me to do something in a group of people is tricky. UD do a lot for me – essentially they’re a huge fan of awesome Continue reading…
South Boulder Peak
Monday, May 4, 2015 – Rest The deluge of last week finally hit me. Tuesday, May 5, 2015 – Green Mountain (S) The weather has gone from cloudy to just drizzly, testing me to even want to go outside. It’s not just that we’re not used to such Pacific Northwest-like conditions, it’s that everything is Continue reading…
Longs Peak from the steps of the Stanley Hotel, Estes Park This was a pretty difficult week to get through, as I needed to move to a new house, I had a rehearsal, then to play a show in Estes Park. My Brother was also in town for a few days, and I wanted to Continue reading…
Somewhat puzzling, I haven’t mentioned on this site officially that I’m now an Ultimate Direction Ambassador! I utilized the UD Peter Bakwin Adventure Vest on my little 14er Mountain Bike/Run shindig last year and it filled out the exact niche I needed: a pack that I could ride and run in, without being too bulky Continue reading…
4/6 – 4/7 – climbing @ Turkey Rocks Crack climbing. Offwidth crack climbing. Much cursing.
Royal Arch
A video posted by Long Ranger (@longrangerjustin) on Mar 23, 2015 at 1:36pm PDT Pikes Peak
The Narrows. Photos by David Ponack
The Diamond, Longs Peak, from Mt. Lady Washington A pair of shoes, a beat up bike, and one fancy pack gets you to a few places high up in the mountains
Check out the Spring 2015 issue of the Colorado Mountain Club’s Trail and Timberline, for an interview with me about the Tour 14er trip I took last summer. If you’re a member of the CMC, the issue should be delivered to your mailboxes soon. The embedded digital version is a little awkward to use, but Continue reading…