Monday, 3/14/14  – Doc. Visit Still feeling not so great, general dizziness and such. So, last Monday, I booked myself to see someone about it today – I never do things like that, which is probably not the most intelligent thing. The doctor looked at things, but we all stopped when they found fluid in Continue reading…

Sick! After a wonderful ride on Monday, I was down for the count, until about Saturday, when I decided it would be fun to try to summit Longs Peak again. I can tell something’s not right with my body, when I’m riding around 5 mph, confused as to where I’m going, and what I’m doing. Continue reading…

This week saw a lot of consistent times out, with less rest days, as I start ramping up for my race on the 5th of April! 3/17/14 – Night time ride up Flagstaff Starting the week off with an “easy” nighttime ride 1/18/14 – Sanitas Clockwise (PR) Another lunch time sprint up and down Sanitas Continue reading…

These things that I destroy. 3/10/14 – Sanitas Don’t laugh, but I’ve started working at a shared working space. It keeps me on task, most of the time. The weather forecast said 70 degrees this day, and staying inside sounded like hell, so I thought I’d try that thing where you go do something active Continue reading…

Defending my rep. on the bike.  Things are tough in the big city. Watch your back!  This week sees me slowly getting back into riding a bike more than 5 miles at a time, as my next race is now in less than a month! And it’s 160 miles – I should at least, I Continue reading…

Terribly strange resemblance 1/17 – Arvada Started the week with a flat run, as I was still in the ‘burbs. Eyed the lone hill from my run the day before and thought, “There’s really no way anyone else should have a faster time than me on this thing”, so I made up a segment, and Continue reading…

A fairly mellow week – the Skyline Traverse from last week sort of took quite a bit out of me. I was also out of town for the last three days (brought my running and rocks shoes!). Hoped to get into the mountains, but the weather (winds!) kept me out. Just as well. Always nice Continue reading…

Another week of searching for elevation gain, as the cold weather descended on the Front Range. The Boulder O.S.M.Ps were relatively vacated of any casual activity, as most people used common sense to realize that ascended even the modest peaks around town in temperatures well below freezing was not in their best interests. Of course, I Continue reading…

Rest week! My legs were telling me it was time to finish up the training block and give the body a nice rest, so I listened. I also had a fairly important band practice and a big show to play on Saturday, so to keep myself sane, it’s good to not attempt to try to Continue reading…

Another beautiful week, with suspiciously similar mileage as last week. 1/21/14 – Freeway on the 2nd Flatiron x4 I’ve been bouldering a bit as of lately, but I finally hurt myself by doing too much, too quickly. So, still wanting to climb, but not feel as if I’m ripping the tendons out of my bicep, Continue reading…

1/13 – Up Green, via the back of the First.  Total ice rink on the trail between the 1st and 2nd – not even joking. Would have been faster/saver to climb the 2nd itself. 1/15 – PR Attempt at Green Mountain via Bear Canyon/Green Bear – Success!   Working on the very arbitrary and tidy Continue reading…

Mike DeBernardo and I started on the Denver end of the trail this year on the Colorado Trail Race. Funnily, we found ourselves as the only two people starting out on the Denver end of the trail this year for the Grand Départ – everyone else – almost 75 people!  decided to start off on Continue reading…

Took a little spin on the Colorado Trail – admittedly, the first “mountain” bike ride I’ve taken since around April – not that I haven’t been riding bikes, or riding bikes in mountains, but somehow it’s all completely different to some that it’s bikes on dirt, rather than pavement. To me: not so much. That Continue reading…

It’s getting warmer and I’m getting a little more comfortable with this sort of travel. This next trip is without trailer, or racks/panniers: as close to ultralight as I can in this dual-mode type of trip (cycling to, climbing from). This time, it’s Evans. I leave fairly early – but not really that early in Continue reading…

Step, step, PULL, Step, step, PULL. Step, step – I’m not saying I’m always on the verge of feeling sick, but today – Monday, I’m there. And I’m not ready, anyways. This surprisingly happens quite a bit: underestimating the time it takes to get gear together to make a trip happen. Even with my style Continue reading…

A fun week riding and running, mostly in Boulder! Next week, I’m off starting Monday, schlepping along all the gear I’ll need to make it from Denver, to Salida by Saturday, where the Dirty Double Fondo race will take place – 200km of Gravel Grinding, with some nice elevation gain/loss built-in. My kind of race! Continue reading…

A fairly boring week of running/jumping/playing, as the weather didn’t want to work with me, and anyways, I had a music show this weekend.