Hello Everyone, It’s an overcast day today – and the last few days have been a bit rainy, but I’m a good boyscout that has cut their teeth while pleasure cruising off the coast of New England, so it’s no worries. This morning, I camped a few km from the Pont du Gard and that Continue reading…

Last night, I slept in a wooded area, after riding around 200km from around Lannemezan. That night, I spent in a cemetery, right next to a crypt and a giant church, with even giant..er bells gonging every 25 minutes. That day was around 100km, but included 2 mountain passes. I am pretty much spent, so Continue reading…

Cyber Cafes are so cool, since they almost live up to what I’m supposed to think they are, after reading Snow Crash. For example, I can be traveling in a foreign country by bicycle, sleep in the woods, visit a 400 year old cathedral – and then, go down an alleyway and hook up my Continue reading…

Three mountain passes yesterday: Don’t have much internet time, but they were extremely steep and it was extremely warm. In a nutshell. Taking a break today and have two more HUGE passes tomorrow and then I’m out of the Pyrenees. Sad. Yesterday, there was a freak rain storm that collapsed my tent, and some of Continue reading…

And, quickly – on the border between France and Spain, 50 meters before a mountain pass, I found a center for contemporary sculpture and architecture – And here’s the sign to the place – my guess is that it’s in the Basque language, which is amazing to think that such an old culture has such Continue reading…

While I’m still here, Some strange Basque signage: It’s a Basque Swastika made out of Jai alai Baskets. The Basque culture, like MANY cultures uses a swastika like symbol – no sure exactly what the basque type means. “Jai Alai” (or the basque term for the same game” means, “Merry Game”. I see a lot Continue reading…

Whoops! Broke a spoke not 20 minutes after ending the last post. I was in traffic in Centre Ville and I was waiting for a light. I started pedaling and, “Crack!” That’s it. Sheesh. All fixed now, just recharging batteries and then, onward. I guess every 1500km, expect a broken spoke. Wish me luck!

Hello Everyone, A couple of days ago, I pushed into Spain! Crossing the border gave me the sense of being knocked out and not knowing my name. Again. One side of a river – France, the other: Spain and it’s a totally different world. I went west until I hit a part of the road Continue reading…

After getting off the internetcom’s yesterday, I found a campsite and made camp and picked up a flier for… bull games! Think a bull fight – but they don’t kill the poor thing. Most excellent, I thought, but the problem was, you get tickets at the tourist office, and they were probably about to close Continue reading…

So, I freakin’ turn the corner in the road and it’s Southern California. I park my bike next to a sand dune and an ice cream shop, pass the surf school stand and up a bluff and I see this: LE MER! The scene looks like San Diego, except the water is warmer and not Continue reading…

And a small note to say that you all rule and thank you for all your help (however small) I’m in McDUH, and JUSTICE comes on the radio, which is funny enough. I almost bought their CD at the hypermarche I just passed to give to Shannon, just to have the French pricing but thought, Continue reading…

Hello Everyone, I’m somewhere between Bergerac and Bordeaux, France, heading toward Bordeaux, with not much interest in checking out the city. I’m hoping South of Bordeaux will be beautiful. The current scenery is dismal. Yesterday was a day off! From cycling and I took the opportunity to get up really bright and early and get Continue reading…

Hello everyone, I’m in Amboise at the moment, taking a much-needed rest. The “half day” ride I thought I was having turned into quite a long, “full day” – about 160m at around 24km/hour, as I was trying to beat the setting sun. Such speeds aren’t what I’m trying to go for, and I’m def. Continue reading…

Well, good news, I couldn’t have picked a better place in France to break down. Slept about a block away from where I’m typing this, although there’s (I find now) a million campsites in town. I slept in a wheat field – terribly hard to get the stakes in the ground – the ground itself Continue reading…

Ne marche pas. Ne marche pas. Ne marche pas. That is the theme for today. I’m heading Southeast towards Angers, but I have no interest in *going* to Angers, so I pick a route that goes around. No problem. Just turn off that one road. Road never comes and bang – I’m in the middle Continue reading…

Brest was interesting – I had lunch there and dawdled around downtown for a bit, but didn’t stay long. I had lost my knife the night before and it’s a requirement to have one – so I found an army navy store and bought a nice small cheap one. A little momento from Brest I Continue reading…

Hello, everyone! I’m in Sunny, partly cloudy Brest, who has great bike lanes and a lot of other stuff I have yet to explore. Yesterday was quite trying for me I have to admit. The weather was bleak and the headwinds finally cracked me. I started riding with my iPod on – something I never Continue reading…

Thanks again for all your donations to my, luggage-lost, need to eat fund. You are all beautiful and incredible people. To all the people back home that have helped and that I’m terribly missing, I hope I can make it up personally somehow and everyone else in the world, well, I think of something. Don’t Continue reading…

A hypermarche picture: I am pretty much in love with the old ladies on bicycles here – they are the primary bicycle culture that I’ve found. This one is getting out the hypermarche. She has an old lady bike and I want you to note the set of panniers and the basket on top of Continue reading…

I awoke today, underneath two large apple trees, near a field of clovers, between two farms. I also slept next to a million pricker bushes, but we paint the pictures we paint to create a certain mood and what you paint with is as varied as the life around you. I had the oppourtunity to Continue reading…

Bloomer-like pants seem to be in style here. The Rastafarian look is also in for, “the teenagers”. And they put them together – so especially into-this-style people look like brightly colored skateboarders from like, 1993. The pants are what are really crazy – extremely billowy and then tight tight tight at the ankles, with elastics. Continue reading…

I’m in the St Brieuc area (Plerin), right now, left the Mont St. Michel area around 10:00am. Pretty long haul and very trying. Lots of getting lost, but it’s not so bad. The worst has been attempting to enter St Brieuc – the larger highways really take over and I had a very hard time Continue reading…

Just a quick note of a lot of thank yous for your help so far in keeping me fed. It’s a HUGE impact. I’ll try to keep updating things during downtime (every 5 days or so?) and write little things en route in the many McDUHs I find. If you want to see more photos, Continue reading…

This is my eee PC. I thought at the beginning of the trip that it would be a little silly to bring along, but it’s proved itself most useful during downtime (like now). I can now touch type with it – which is amazing and along with a mouse it’s very useful. The desktop linux Continue reading…

The reason I’m able to do this trip at all is that the majority of my stays are in camping sites around the country, ala, camping sauvage. In the states, you’d call this bushwhacking, I suppose. This is just before leaving one campsite. Not the worst place to spend the night, eh?