Monday “Rest” Rest is a difficult word for me to use for today as it was actually a 14+ hour work day, without any time to really train in any effective way. Tuesday Bouldering, 1 hour I was also going to do some sort of spinning, but I forgot my phone to watch something, so Continue reading…

Monday Hike/Snorkel Had some photos to take – the weather is exquisite at the moment – so off to some local snowy peaks I went! Turned out the snow was quite heavy, and I did as much snorkeling to some locations I knew than I did hiking, which took quite a bit of time while Continue reading…

Monday Flat Run Got a coffee and then visited the Sport Recycler. From the house, there’s some good options to get some flat miles, including around my old stomping grounds near Yarmouth and points North. I’ve been trying to up the weekly mileage a bit, as I feel that’s a weakness of mine: I can Continue reading…