1/24/11: Rest1/25/11: I thought it’d be fun to see how fast I could go from REI, around Cherry Creek and back, time trial mode. My road bike is out of commission with a broken shifter and my touring bike is too slow to really make this any fun, so I just used my brakeless fixed Continue reading…
Did a nice 100+ mile bike ride, down the cherry creek bike path, West on E-470 trail to Deer Creek Canyon, up High Grade Road and to HW 73 through Evergreen and then took the turn to Morrison and back home via Jewel until it hits up the Platte River bike path and then home. Continue reading…
12/20/10 Weigh in @ 183 lbs Bike Ride @ moderate pace around Cherry Creek Res and back ~ 35 miles? (I forgot to check the computer) Should have been less moderate, but turned more moderate as it was slightly windy and I just *had* to catch up to some actual Cat 3-ish bike racers, who Continue reading…
“A venturesome minority will always be eager to set off on their own, and no obstacles should be placed in their path; let them take risks, for godsake, let them get lost, sunburnt, stranded, drowned, eaten by bears, buried alive under avalanches – that is the right and privilege of any free American.” — Edward Continue reading…
Upon waking up at 5:30 am, I turned back over to, perhaps, wake up at a more agreeable time. Waking up was becoming an increasingly larger problem in my life. My mornings slipped to afternoon and then, later afternoon, until I was by last Tuesday, getting up nearly at 5:00 pm. A vampire.
Summer totally flew by for me, but I was able to take a few little trips out and about to check out the, “backyard”. I’m moving soon, so it seemed like a good idea to see what’s out there. Here’s a small 4-day trip to Leadville and back, with a little side-step hiking. First, here’s Continue reading…
Hello Everyone! A short note that I’m back home in Denver, CO but will flesh out some entries from entering Paris to, well now – but a quick note that the airline LOST MY LUGGAGE. AGAIN. Once again, the bike came, the bags didn’t, I’m left with the clothes on my back. Sigh. This time, Continue reading…
The funniest thing started happening to me yesterday. Amidst my small sorrow that the ride I was taking was one of my last of this tour and the pain of my spent legs, pedaling up small hills at a meager 9 km/hr for hours, people started to cheer for me. Small hills would be accented Continue reading…
RIP iPod. If an iPod cruds out within a year, free replacement, no? We’ll see. Sigh. I didn’t *really* think of putting music on it, but 25 minutes before catching the flight, I put a few theme albums on for fun. Maybe 10 in all. And I’ve listened to them almost continuously, to the point Continue reading…
Yesterday, I bushwhacked into a space near a giant lake. The tree branches above me made a wonderful archedcanopy and the ivy vines around me made a soft bed. I passed out almost immediatly, but my spot was so secluded, there wasn’t a chance of anyone ever seeing me. I could have stayed for days… Continue reading…
Last night, I was trying to make up time, so I was riding late. At around 22:30, it started raining. I was on a fairly busy road with a shoulder that kept disappearing. I decided to ditch it, as riding at night in th rain is my limit. I happened upon a forest and a Continue reading…
Last night, I savauged it in the absolute middle of the town of Bois d’Amont (I think) next to a bunch of camping cars that were obviously parked there. I see this a lot, where camping cars are just suspiciously parked in the center of the ville with windows covered in reflector stuff and it’s Continue reading…
Oh, there it is. Yesterday was a wash. I went about 60km absolutely dead. The day before though, I did the Marmotte ride. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/La_Marmotte From Wikipedia: La Marmotte is one of the toughest one-day cycling events in the world. The route is 174 km long, but features more than 5180 metres of climbing. The event Continue reading…
Sorry, no time for a *real* post, since I can’t find an outlet in this place, but I’m in Aix Les-Bains, en route to Basel, Switzerland. Cheers,
I’m currently outside the office d’tourisme in Bourg d’Oisans, at the foot of the legendary, alp d’huez, nicking their wi-fi and checking up on things – like ya do. It’s too sunny and my battery too low and a full load of excuses to tell, but yesterday’s ride was one ofo the most exhilarating of Continue reading…
Yesterday, at around 21:00, I decided to just stay where I was. I scoped the town and found a McDUH and a Decathlon. One can get my on the intarweb, the other… a new wheel? The old one was on its last legs – imaging pedaling, but not having the wheel engage for about one Continue reading…
Hmm. I lied, here’s some photos from the little camera – the big camera has Arles stuff but it takes forever and a day to upload (And sort and all). Yesterday night, the encampment was covered in… snails! Which are everywhere, after dark. I kill about a thousand a day on the road – you’re Continue reading…
Yesterday, I scanned around Arles – I read they have a little tour of the places Van Gogh painted – there’s a reprint of the painting, right next to where he might have stood. This was sort of fun, but there really were only two places that actually still exist that you can see – Continue reading…
Well, yesterday it was a full month of touring. I’ve gone from Paris, to Brest, Amboise, Sarlat, Bordeaux, Spain, the Pyrenees and now I’m a day or two to Nice and then, well Italy. Current mileage is: 3742.4 km (2,325 miles) Current mood is, stressed out at French tourists (and a really bad place to Continue reading…
Hello Everyone, It’s an overcast day today – and the last few days have been a bit rainy, but I’m a good boyscout that has cut their teeth while pleasure cruising off the coast of New England, so it’s no worries. This morning, I camped a few km from the Pont du Gard and that Continue reading…
Last night, I slept in a wooded area, after riding around 200km from around Lannemezan. That night, I spent in a cemetery, right next to a crypt and a giant church, with even giant..er bells gonging every 25 minutes. That day was around 100km, but included 2 mountain passes. I am pretty much spent, so Continue reading…
Cyber Cafes are so cool, since they almost live up to what I’m supposed to think they are, after reading Snow Crash. For example, I can be traveling in a foreign country by bicycle, sleep in the woods, visit a 400 year old cathedral – and then, go down an alleyway and hook up my Continue reading…
Three mountain passes yesterday: Don’t have much internet time, but they were extremely steep and it was extremely warm. In a nutshell. Taking a break today and have two more HUGE passes tomorrow and then I’m out of the Pyrenees. Sad. Yesterday, there was a freak rain storm that collapsed my tent, and some of Continue reading…
And, quickly – on the border between France and Spain, 50 meters before a mountain pass, I found a center for contemporary sculpture and architecture – And here’s the sign to the place – my guess is that it’s in the Basque language, which is amazing to think that such an old culture has such Continue reading…
While I’m still here, Some strange Basque signage: It’s a Basque Swastika made out of Jai alai Baskets. The Basque culture, like MANY cultures uses a swastika like symbol – no sure exactly what the basque type means. “Jai Alai” (or the basque term for the same game” means, “Merry Game”. I see a lot Continue reading…