Tour 14er Final Map
- Total Hike Mileage: 387.9 miles (624.265 km)
- Total Hike Elevation: 154,727 feet (47,160.8 km)
- Total Bike Mileage: 1,609.1 miles (2,589.6 km)
- Total Bike Elevation: 151,335 feet (46,126.9 meters)
- Total Time: 34:12:26:57
- Ultimate Direction: Hold the Chicken & Beware of the Bears!
- Bikepackers Magazine: Profile, Justin Simoni
A heaping portion of thanks – there’s far too many people to thank, but I’m going to do my best:
Salvagetti has been my go-to bike shop for over a decade now, and the bike they helped design and then put together worked as flawlessly as a bike could, given these out-of-this-world conditions. Thank you Scott and every one who has worked there in the last decade+ – I really couldn’t have done this trip without their help.
Bolder Bikepacking was able to make custom bags specifically for my trip, including a saddle bag with an area to secure my trail runners in, so that I wouldn’t lose them (imagine! A 30 mile hike in bike shoes!), They also did it with an amazing turnaround and a personalized touch. Someone I’ve been with since I started this whole, “ride bikes a long way off the beaten path” thing.
Ultimate Direction and specifically the energy and interest from Buzz Burrell and Peter Bakwin, who are huge Fastest Known Time fans and love a good, long-distance, self-powered trip. Their gear somehow survived me, and will only get better, and better, and –
Selle Anatomica – makers of the best saddles in the World, hands-down.
Trackleaders created the tracker map, helping to tell the story, while it challenge was happening.
Some of my favorite photos from the trip:

Tour 14er start location, with a very clean bike

Humboldt Peak Sunrise

Giddy-up in Fort Garland

Babyheads on Lake Como Road

This Guy.

Home for a month

Imogene Pass – that was a big one

Stories to Tell

La Plata Peak- 14er #2 of 5 for the day.

Missouri Mt. – 14er #3 of 5 for the day

Sunrise on Mt. Democrat

Longs Peak – 14er 58 of 58 of the trip.

Tour 14er End Time