Yoga, 1hr
An intention of mine is to gain, then maintain a reasonable amount of mobility in my hips and legs. Right now, it’s a junk show. These classes are helping.
Bouldering @ Movement, 2hr
Good session – first 2hr session in a few weeks, due to some tennis elbow that seems to have mostly subsided. Topped the V7 I’ve been working on for the past few sessions.
Spin Bike, 1 hr
While I’m at the gym, might as well jump on the bike, as I’ve got other things to do today.
Spin Bike, 1hr
Bouldering @ Movement, 1hr
Warmed up, topped the last V7 first try, moved onto another V7 and surprisingly got the first cruxy part off the bat – I had trouble in the past getting anywhere and then: tennis elbow. Second cruxy part will take some time, and I wasn’t feeling too good, so cut my session short to come back tomorrow.
Spin Bike, 1 hr
Bouldering @ Movement 1.5 hours
Warmed up on the new set – some great vertical stuff, some crimpy so I’ll have a good time when I focus on it. But I wanted to continue to work on an old V7. Got the start and the end, but couldn’t stitch it up. Next time!
Spin Bike, 1 hr
Spin Bike, 1 hr
Green Mountain #1
Hey: A day not spinning mindlessly indoors! A short bop up Green Mountain – I’ll take it! Beautiful as always; it’s a privilege to romp around on this wonderfully magical hill.