Surprise! Tour Divide! SINGLE SPEED!!!

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About… 10 days? before the start of the 2012 Tour Divide, I decided to look at plane tickets and found one affordable enough to get to Banff, Alberta and give ‘er another go, this time on a Single Speed.

To my complete surprise, I not only finished, but was the first one-speed-wonder over the line from the Grand Départ at 23 days, 5 hours and change. Red Caboose no more!

Hopefully, I can source a better photo from the end, as the camera I brought along truly was not Tour Divide worthy and half my shots have that weird smudgy-ness about them. We did take shots with at least 3 cameras, of the ending, it’s just getting in touch with everyone, again.  Nice that they highlight my new found six pack abs though – like applying Vaseline to the edges of your camera lens for those dreamy, wedding shots. Although, I’m sure those abs just won’t stay.

My supreme thanks to skinny Aaron of Salida and his wonderful family for taking me from the border, all the way to Salida and the English gentleman that I met at the hostel in Salida that took me basically the rest of the way home. Best surprise of the Tour!
More writing about all this later, of course.
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12 years ago

SO awesome that you did this, Justin. I can’t wait to read the full report.

12 years ago

Thanks, Jill!
I’ll obviously post the link to the feature magazine article, when it gets published (until then: shhhhhh!)