I’m starting to try to gain a bit of fitness for my future Sawatch trip. To me that means a ton of elevation gain above all. This week’s goal was 15,000′ of elevation to ascent/descend, with the long-term goal of doing a week of 35,000′ of elevation gain, as that’s how much I roughly anticipate Continue reading…

A bit of a difficult week for someone like me – it snowed quite heavily a few days this week, making getting outside a little more difficult than usual. I managed to do something to my left ankle, which didn’t really make me want to get outside all that much as well. Better to dial Continue reading…

Thursday Third Flatiron x3, Second Flatiron Happy Third-sday! The Third Flatiron finally has been freed of its blanket raptor closures, which means everyone is now allowed to play on it. I celebrated this momentous occasion by doing three laps on the standard route. I would have done more, but the sky was getting dark and Continue reading…