A challenging week to get in a good workout! I signed up to work the Boulder Half-Ironman and cater a wedding – a lot of 8+ hour days, mostly standing up and moving awkward + heavy things. With the smoke engulfing the entire western part of the country, it was a struggle to even want to get out:
Dodge Block + Green
Up Green via the Dodge Block route (I needed a break from Freeway!), then down via Long Canyon/Gregory Canyon to get a little more running time on my feet.
Bouldering @ Movement, 2 hours
Good session.
Free For All/Green
Thought I’d level up, and see what I can do with the Cyklons, so up Free For All I went – a route I’ve never done in anything less than approach shoes. Felt casual. Then, a tag of Green.
Bouldering @ Movement, 2 hours
Good session, albeit a little tired.
Spy + Freeway
After a 10 hour day (and forgetting a headlamp), I couldn’t make the summit of Green Mountain, but was able to get some scrambling done on the Spy and Freeway.
Keeping with this week’s theme, yet another run up Freeway – hands-free once more, and a summit of Green. My legs were dead as could be, coming off an 8 hour day working outside. But I felt it worthwhile still to get some miles on the legs.
Air quality – like most of the week, was atrocious.

Working a 12 hour day isn’t exactly rest, but I couldn’t fit in a good workout, save the ride to/from work. C’est la vie!