Monday + Tuesday
Yale + Columbia
Yale via the west ridge from Kroenke Lake. Bivvied on the summit of Yale, since: why not? I was tired and it was 1:00am. Then took the CD ridge to Birthday Peak and the next point afterwards, dropped off it down across Horn Fork Basin, and up Columbia.
My plan was to actually link Yale and Harvard via the Continental Divide Ridge, but that proved too difficult/loose/dangerous, so I dropped down off the ridge, and did Columbia instead. I’ll be back! Maybe.

Bouldering @ Movement, 2 hours
Green Mountain (fast)
Gave it a little effort today, most especially on the downhill, to see where my fitness may be. It’s good!
Bouldering @ Movement, 2 hours
Green Mountain (slow)
Took it much easier today, going up Green via Dodge Block. Testing out the new Sportiva Cyklons. They’re nice.
Happy Father’s Day!