My thanks to Ryan Maguire for an excellent time in Morrison, CO as we recorded in his pretty luxe home podcast studio. The 50 mile ride from Boulder was a good way to wake up pre-recording! Give this episode a listen, and subscribe to Ryan’s podcast, Who the WYLD Things Are. Listen on Spotify: Listen Continue reading…
Life has become busy, so I haven’t compiled my weekly workout journal in a few weeks – happens. Follow me on Strava for the highlights. Sunday, I did go up to Longs Peak in an attempt to get an April tick. Somewhat obligatory, as I have a March tick – and I like to see Continue reading…
Monday Rest! Tuesday Bouldering @ Movement, 1 hr Spin Bike, 1hr Wednesday Bouldering @ Movement, 1 hr Spin Bike, 1hr Thursday Green Mountain Quick bop Friday Bouldering @ Movement, 2 hours Better than the session before. Spin Bike, 1hr Saturday Climbing @ Movement On a rope even. Having been beaten to a pulp from my Continue reading…
A tough week, as I was trying to recover from the sub 48 hour trip up Keplinger’s Couloir on Longs Peak (riding a bike there and back, of course), while also trying to maintain and if at all possible, build upon my fitness for my Loveland/Hoosier Pass Traverse trip I want to be ready to Continue reading…
I delayed my traverse trip, as weather looked a little iffy, so instead I decided to stay a little closer to home, and test out some new gear and systems on an sub 48 bikepacking overnighter – and in the process, tick a summit of Longs Peak in Winter, before winter was over. I decided Continue reading…
Presented here is episode 1 through 6 of the Slowlans series for your viewing convenience and enjoyment. When I started editing all this, I had no idea it would be such a large project, coming to almost an hour of runtime that took two+ months to finish. Enjoy.
It’s high time to start dreamin’ of high adventures! Winter is coming to a close and before it does, I plan to eek out a grand adventure out there: a ridge traverse! Loveland Pass and Hooiser Pass are ~42 miles away from each other if you follow the Continental Divide ridgeline that separates them. In Continue reading…
Pretty busy week, excuse the brevity. Monday Bouldering @ Movement, 1 hr Spin Bike, 1hr Tuesday Bouldering @ Movement, 1 hr Green Mountain Wednesday Rest! Thursday Bouldering @ Movement, 2 hours Spin Bike, 1 hr Friday Green Mountain Quick bop up and down, quite snowy. Saturday Bouldering @ Movement, 2 hours Tried yet again on Continue reading…
Episode 6 finishes the line up summiting La Plata, Elbert and finally Massive, then descending into the Leadville Fish Hatchery.
Monday Rest! Tuesday Green Mountain Quick bop. I’ve been working on keeping the HR in Z2, which is a fairly impossible task to ask a 190lb dude who’s hiking 2500′ of elevation gain in 1.75 miles but nevertheless he persists. Lots of stopping and checking my breath/HR – I’ll have remember to remember to wear Continue reading…
If you’re interested in running Nolan’s 14, one of the best way to preview the line is to fastpack it! You’ll get a taste of what it’s like to link up big parts of the route, without having to backtrack, and the load makes for good training. Episode 5 starts up the Missouri Gulch Trailhead Continue reading…
A good time at the Ultimate Direction Athlete’s Summit and a big day out on the bike to Nederland!
If you’re interested in running Nolan’s 14, one of the best way to preview the line is to fastpack it! You’ll get a taste of what it’s like to link up big parts of the route, without having to backtrack, and the load makes for good training. Episode 4 fastpacks back to Chaffee County 390 Continue reading…
The race date looms!
A new version of my Slowlans guide is out! New to this version is a website under my new guise, Long May You Range, revised routes, new maps, PDF downloads, and revised segment narratives to name but a few major changes. What’s Slowlans? Slowlans is a guide to for backpacking the Nolan’s 14 line where Continue reading…
Monday Spin, 1hr Bouldering @ Movement, 1 hr Tuesday Spin, 1hr Bouldering @ Movement, 1 hr Wednesday Spin, 1hr Thursday Yoga Flow Bouldering @ Movement, 1hr Elbow/Bicep was not happy with me, and of course I was having a hard time stopping. I tried to manage things but I probably could have done better. Spin, Continue reading…
Monday Yoga (Flow) Good times, feeling almost 1% competent! Bouldering @ Movement: 1hr Good session, after a few lackluster sessions on the blocks. Finally topped a hard (for me) V5, then a V6 in short order with some beta breaking moves, then a repeat of a V7 that I thought was a little soft Spin, Continue reading…
If you’re interested in running Nolan’s 14, one of the best way to preview the line is to fastpack it! You’ll get a taste of what it’s like to link up big parts of the route, without having to backtrack, and the load makes for good training. Episode 3 starts off on the summit of Continue reading…
Monday Bouldering @ Movement Finally got the blue V7 I’ve been working on. Change in beta was to switch the heel hook onto my toe, before rocking over and getting my left foot on the high hold. Good stuff. Spin Bike, 1hr Tuesday Yoga, 1hr Alignment. Ahhh. Bouldering @ Movement, 1 hr Warmed up on Continue reading…
If you’re interested in running Nolan’s 14, one of the best way to preview the line is to fastpack it! You’ll get a taste of what it’s like to link up big parts of the route, without having to backtrack, and the load makes for good training. Episode 2 starts off on the summit of Continue reading…
Green Mountain at elevation 8,148′, is one of the most accessible hills near my home in Boulder, Colorado. The summit sulks in the background of many photos of the more famous Flatirons, taken by visitors of the The Colorado Chautauqua at its base. For such a small geographic area – it’s literally just a city Continue reading…
Monday Rest! Tuesday Yoga, 1hr An intention of mine is to gain, then maintain a reasonable amount of mobility in my hips and legs. Right now, it’s a junk show. These classes are helping. Bouldering @ Movement, 2hr Good session – first 2hr session in a few weeks, due to some tennis elbow that seems Continue reading…
Justin and Drew Bob embark on their ultralight backpack/fastpack of the Sawatch 14ers on the Nolan’s 14 route. Episode 1
Monday Bouldering @ Movement, 1hr Took it easy and just did an hour bouldering – basically a warmup, then worked briefly on a hard problem. Ended the day with a new V6 (seemed soft) and on my way to a V7, with my eye on a V8 (one can dream). Green Mountain #96 Little by Continue reading…
Monday Bouldering @ Movement 2hr Alright sess. although I felt heavy – as if I was simply a big mass of muscle, rather than athletic. Tight hamstrings. Topped two new V6’s and a V5, so that’s a good session for me – all from the new set, and two of which I couldn’t even start Continue reading…