Spin, 1hr
Bouldering @ Movement, 1 hr
Spin, 1hr
Bouldering @ Movement, 1 hr
Spin, 1hr
Yoga Flow
Bouldering @ Movement, 1hr
Elbow/Bicep was not happy with me, and of course I was having a hard time stopping. I tried to manage things but I probably could have done better.
Spin, 1hr
ECR Ride
Another ramble up Pine Brook, poking about. Roads in that area are in great shape for the type of rig I’m riding, rather than being sheets of death ice that they get to sometimes, so I’m happy to wander into dead ends on pretty quiet roads looking at all the insanely huge mansions they’ve tucked into the hills. Randomly rolled down someone’s driveway – doesn’t look like the complex of buildings has been occupied in the last few years. Guess that’s NOT the shortcut back to Linden.
Bouldering @ Movement, 1hr
Gym is usually pretty busy for this (for lack of a better term:) introvert but i wanted to get on the blocks a little bit before some heavy weather is supposed to roll in, making cycling not a given that I can do safely – even in this town. Did a fair amount of stretching/pt for my elbow/bicep beforehand, as well as some hip mobility work before hitting the blocks.
Surprised myself by topping a V6 I’ve been struggling on just a week ago an hour into my session, so that was good enough for me, and I wanted to get a run in before the day was done.
Green Mountain
Short bop up Green Mountain – certainly chasing the sun, ‘though the conditions were pretty slow off-trail. Good times.

Ride up Flagstaff, Down Chapman on the ECR
The sun was real low when I finished my run, but I thought a short spin up Flagstaff would be fun. Getting quite late at the turnoff, so I decided to end it there. I spied that Chapman looked actually rideable so that’s required riding given I’m on a 35lb 29+ bike. As I was letting some air out of my tires to go from pavement to packed snow, I noticed that my front tire inner tube was seriously pinched between my tire and rim – and probably has been that way for months. Oh boy.
Rather than do the right thing and fix this, I just decided to send it. Tube held! Chapman was actually more rideable than I thought it would be – just bumpy. Running shoes not the best to keep warm, and I’ve ordered some actually full-fingered riding gloves for next weekend’s race.

Bouldering @ Movement, 1hr
I swore off going to the gym on weekends but here I am again. Good session, despite everyone like me trying to get out of the bitter cold. Made small upward progress on two V6’s – still leaving the V7 alone for fear I’m going to hurt my bicep/elbow again.