Bouldering @ Movement, 1hr
Took it easy and just did an hour bouldering – basically a warmup, then worked briefly on a hard problem. Ended the day with a new V6 (seemed soft) and on my way to a V7, with my eye on a V8 (one can dream).
Green Mountain #96
Little by little, I’m chipping towards my goal! Snow is melting fairly fast.
Yoga, 1hr
Got up early for a yoga sess. Glad I did.
Bouldering @ Movement, 1hr
Afterwards, worked the V7 (and V8) on the vertical/slab. Elbow feels good, but I’m going to be gentle on it for a little while longer.
Green Mountain #97
And heck – another summit of Green on my way to 100 summits. Weather was incredibly mild, and I did the entire run in shorts and a singlet. So much snow has melted since even yesterday – the flatirons may become scramble-able soon if it doesn’t snow.
On the descent, I took yet another new-to-me line down, and spied a boulder I haven’t checked out before. I’ll have to come back, as there’s a nice splitter starting with rattly fists and perhaps a low low roof start. With the low start, it’s probably only a V1 or so. If the sit-start is doable, that would make things significantly harder in a Vedauwoo type of way. Needs crack gloves/tape as the rock has a ton of welded pebbles/conglomerate.

I visited another boulder I’ve been meaning to try – I’ll need a few pads for this one – possibly a V6. Good positive holds to a scuffy heel hook, then a pretty gnarly mantle to a balance-y perch. Strange I’ve never seen this one documented, as it’s not far off the trail from the Fifth Pinnacle.

A (small) weather system was supposed to run its course today, albeit it wasn’t clear when (or I guess: if) it was ever going to come, but I decided to lay low and work on other things. Came fairly late at night, but by that time, I was in for the day.
Green Mountain #98
Well, the weather system came, and certainly outperformed it’s 1-3″ forecast with about 9″ falling in the hills. I made the slow ride on sloppy roads with the ECR to the TH and popped off one lap up Green before deciding that was good enough. Sure is pretty up there. Bumped up into my old friend Nicole, who I actually started hiking 14ers with many moons ago. Good sport – we had a memorable time on Quandary one winter day.

Green Mountain #99/#100
A little warmer than yesterday – and I dressed a bit more appropriately, ending up at the trailhead not in a soggy pile of sweat. Did two laps, reversing my direction for the second lap and that was that – finished up my goal of 100 summits of Green Mountain with a day to spare!

Bouldering @ Movement, 1 hr
Rode to the gym to get an easy sess. in. Gym was a bit bonkers, but nothing I wasn’t expecting, so kept things chill. Worked on the V7 a bit and got a bit farther.
Bouldering @ Movement, 1 hr
Another easy day resting up. Warmed up and somehow topped a V6 I had previously gotten no where near completing. Guess all that rest has done good to my elbow. Felt like a completely different person on that problem. Made minute progress on the same V7 as yesterday, before it was time to leave. Easy day.