Hannah Green’s incredible persistence of finishing the Sangre de Cristo Range Traverse can be read in her article at iRunFar,

I was quite happy to see that Laura Kaplan and her partner went for Nolans 14, and stuck it out well past the 60 cutoff to complete the line in one big push – something I’ve yet to be able to do at any pace:
Along with Laura, Andrea Sansone completed the Nolans 14 line in the second fastest time ever. She passed me a few hours after my start on Antero, being paced by the holder of the keeper of the current fastest time, Joey Campanelli. My Nolans for this year ended even before I got to Yale. I felt fantastic! But the legs just weren’t turning over fast enough for me to have even a chance of finishing in the time I wanted.
And maybe to just round out the Nolans 14 thread, Rob Barlow also completed his journey to finish Nolans 14 after many attempts. Rob of course is the first person to complete the Highest Hundred self-powered.
Excellent post! Keep them coming