Friday: I think I did 2 hours on the trainer. I don’t think I even made it outside. At all. That day. Saturday: Rest! Because: Sunday: Snowshoed from sun up to sun down – 9 1/2 hours in total. We started at Echo Lake on the Mt. Evans Massif and hiked the Chicago Lakes trail. Continue reading…

Wed: Rest. Yeah, rest! Thur: Gym, weigh in @ 183lbs. Ran to the gym a full minute faster (20 min) than last time. Rowing for 5,000 meters – around 20…3? minutes? 5 sets of 20 seconds of pushups, then 30 seconds jump rope, no rest between sets. 5 sets of 20 seconds of Wall ball, Continue reading…

1/24/11: Rest1/25/11: I thought it’d be fun to see how fast I could go from REI, around Cherry Creek and back, time trial mode. My road bike is out of commission with a broken shifter and my touring bike is too slow to really make this any fun, so I just used my brakeless fixed Continue reading…

Did a nice 100+ mile bike ride, down the cherry creek bike path, West on E-470 trail to Deer Creek Canyon, up High Grade Road and to HW 73 through Evergreen and then took the turn to Morrison and back home via Jewel until it hits up the Platte River bike path and then home. Continue reading…

12/20/10 Weigh in @ 183 lbs Bike Ride @ moderate pace around Cherry Creek Res and back ~ 35 miles? (I forgot to check the computer) Should have been less moderate, but turned more moderate as it was slightly windy and I just *had* to catch up to some actual Cat 3-ish bike racers, who Continue reading…