Had some photos to take – the weather is exquisite at the moment – so off to some local snowy peaks I went! Turned out the snow was quite heavy, and I did as much snorkeling to some locations I knew than I did hiking, which took quite a bit of time while also giving me quite the workout despite the low mileage.
Bouldering, 2hrs
Ultimate Direction had their virtual athlete summit, which is a time for athletes to get together, introduce themselves, then check out some of the new gear that’s coming soon, or in the future. Fun things to come!
Beforehand, went to the gym for a few hours. New bouldering set up, so I worked on that. Topped 3 V6’s in pretty short order, so I guess they’re a little soft!
Spin bike 30 minutes
Didn’t have too much time after bouldering, but I wanted to get the legs a little warmup.
Afterwards, I walked for miles and miles near the house testing some products for my next OutdoorGearLab review. Oh the anticipation!
Road Run
Ran to work at the coffee shop. While there, got an email a La Sportiva order was ready, so: ran to the brand new La Sportiva Retail Store! Ran into the man/myth/legend Dave Mackey, who is also a Sportiva athlete, picking up an order himself.
Ran home afterwards with quite the load in the ol’ Fastpack!
Bouldering, 1 1/2 hrs
Busy day – but snuck out to the gym to boulder a bit. Flashed a V6 while warming up and realized I skipped a key hold as well – kinda funny how that works out. Played around on some V7s with a little bit of progress, but I’ll need to put in a lot more work.
Spun the bike for about 30 minutes before they kicked me out.
Road Run
Busy day – quick evening run.
Green Mountain
I had some more photos to take for OGL, so up Green Mountain I went, with a big backpack of gear! Plenty of snow still up there, so even when I wanted to move a little quicker, I had a difficult time still. Never a bad time on the mountain.

Climbing for Few Hours
I had more photography to do, but I played model while my talented friend Nolan snapped some shots. Beforehand, we went climbing on some routes beforehand indoors, as the skies darkened warning of the uncoming snowstorm. After warming up, I floundering on some 5.12-‘s and called it a day at the pizza parlor.
I little bummed that I didn’t get any running in today, and tomorrow looks like a bust with a snowstorm in the mix along with a 13 hour workday, but Tuesday I guess I should plan for a big day!