Bike Commute, 10 miles
Bike Commute, 20 miles
Bouldering @ Movement, 2 hours
New set on the overhanging wall, which is enough to completely overtake my attention. A few V5’s and a V6 (seemed undercooked), and working on a V7 at the end of the session which actually seemed pretty doable.
Strength Training
Deadlifts/Bench Press/Squats. Oldman PR of 333lbs on the deadlift, which I was pretty happy about. Benchpress was nothing special, and squat was pretty low.
Spin Bike, One Hour
Who am I, even? I haven’t done this in over two years, I don’t even have to look to double check that. Long day filled with a lot of more important things, so I just was able to duck out for an hour to sweat all over the place and make stupid faces.
Bouldering @ Movement, 2 hours
Mostly worked on the overhanging wall, and that damn V7. Good progress, but no send. Thought it may have been undercooked, but it may actually be pretty right on. The holds are small, and it’s steep, so my grip strength gets sapped pretty quickly.
Green Mountain
Quick lap up Green. Getting sloppy out there!
Bouldering @ Movement, 2 hours
My main goal was the new overhanging V7 I felt like I was getting close on. Good work towards it, but more work needed. I guess it really is pretty hard.
Strength Training
Deadlift/Bench Press/Squats/Weighted Pullups
Nothing really of note, just did what I felt I could do.
Green Mountain
Afterwards, another quick romp up Green Mountain. Someone has to check up on the turkeys.