Bike Commuting, 8 miles
Bike Commuting, 14 Miles
Green Mountain
A late night sess. up Green Mountain. I got up this morning around 4:30 am, and couldn’t fall back to sleep, which adds to the amazement (to me), that I then felt not only up to a run up Green, but that a run up Green would need to be absolutely mandatory. Glad I did. The wintry weather that was threatening never materialized.
Bouldering @ Movement, 2 hours
Warmed up quickly, then topped my V7 project after a few tries. Happy about that.
Then, worked on some other new problems. Called it good after that. Giving my arms 2 days rest really helps with achieving supercompensation.
Green Mountain
Bouldering @ Movement, 2 hours
Fun times, but no real direction.
Strength Training
No legs, saving myself for tomorrow. PR’d my lifetime bench at a measly 185lbs. Weighted pullups @ 50lbs,
Green Mountain x2
Wanted a long run, so schemed that I could take a fairly directissima route up Green via Freeway, then take two different long routes down. The first was via Bear Canyon; then I took the Green Mountain West Ridge/Long Canyon/Flagstaff/Crown Rock trails. Good times!
Right afterwards, the NCAR area was on fire, and I had to evacuate my house, right after getting otu of the shower. Spent the night in Lafayette helping to look after some goober dogs.

Bouldering @ Movement 2 hours
Really, one hour, then an hour of training upstairs.
Felt surprisingly good, considering the long run the day before. Was topping off V6’s I had only done once or twice weeks before with little problem today. Couldn’t really find a climb I wanted to focus anything on, so went upstairs and did some campus board work and dips.