Green Mountain #72
A nice quick bop up Green Mountain before the potential of snow tomorrow. Upper sections were pretty icy, so going down was a bit slow. Just happy to get out and get some dirt under my feet. Looks like head torch season is here. Green Summit #72 for me for the year. I’ll be numbering them in this journal to count up to my goal of 100 for the year.
Bouldering @ Movement, 2 hours
Long work day, followed by a nap, so didn’t get on the bike/feet. But got some gym time in late. Working on a V6 on the overhanging wall. Features big moves using large, full-hand pockets, really fun. I’m mostly having trouble with holding body tension while going from move to move. Good trainer for me. Surprisingly, I’ve done 2 V7s on this same set/angle, as well as two other V6s – perhaps the strongest I’ve ever been, so I’m not stressing myself to get this problem done for the ego points. The moves are pretty big, and my right shoulder is protesting a bit, so I may put this one down.
Green Mountain #73
9:00pm start. I… somewhat forgot it had snowed the day before, so I was a bit unprepared for encountering it, starting at the trailhead. D’oh. Easy enough time out there, and a nice reset from a long day. I must have been asked 4 times today where I was running to, and why I was doing it so late.
Bouldering @ Movement, 2 hours
A really hard session for me, as I couldn’t keep my focus. Lots of people around me, which didn’t help – I’ve been getting anxious/clausterphobic when the gym gets crowded. Still, happy to get out and move.
Spin Bike, 1 hour
Green Mountain #74 w/Dinosaur
I brought the dog’s dino toy up Green Mountain, thinking I’d use it as a prop for some photos, but kind of forgot about it when shooting. Something about taking my shoes and socks off in 20 degrees with 8 inches of snow on the ground to do timed jumping photos – dunno slipped my mind.
Good time summiting Green, then jogging down in the snow. Sure was cold.

Snowy Green Mountain
Bouldering @ Movement, 2 hours
Good, not great session. Worked on some problems on the newly reset 45 degree wall. Got stymied on a V5, and that was about all for my set. Good problem: long route with a bunch of slots and not a lot of feet. I’ll come back and get it.
Spin Bike, 1 hour
Green Mountain #75
Had some more photos to take, so made it up to Gregory Canyon once again, hauling some gear to shoot and gear to shoot it with. Made my way up the summit via the back of the First, which was somewhat difficult in boots, as the snow had softened, and I was without spikes. Good light on the summit, and an easy, relatively quick time down.