Bike Commute (~20 miles)
Bouldering @ Movement, 2 hours
Good session. Made work on a new V6, which was topped relatively easy. Worked on the campus board until close.
Bike Commute (~20 miles)
Chapman Drive
A little post-work ride, then to the store to get some OJ for my very sick partner. Now that there’s a completely dedicated bike path to the start of Chapman and Chapman is closed to cars, this little hill climb makes a very, very attractive after dark ride. I’ll be back!
Bike Commute (~15 miles)
Bouldering @ Movement, 2 hours
Good session, albeit typical. Worked mostly on a new set on a dead vertical wall, as well as some V6’s and V7’s peppered throughout the gym. Afterwards, did a light session on the campus board, which I’ve decided to keep doing consistently.
The gym recently rebranded, so I got a free shirt, and cake! Thanks for the last 7 years of making – and keeping me a beefcake.
Green via Royal Arch + Buckets
I wanted to check out the new trail work done on the newly reopened Royal Arch trail, so that’s the direction I went. Made a concerted effort up to the arch, then scrambled to its summit. Lots of steps! I can’t quite run it all, but it would make a good goal.

Afterwards, I made my way to the Amoeboid to the Buckets route, which I haven’t done in many, many years. Felt a lot funner than the last/first time I did it. From there, I wandered to the summit of Green Mountain in a leisurely pace. Gave it a little more umph on the way down, again. A few flakes fell, and the feeling in the air was generally moody, but no real precip. today.

Bouldering @ Movement, 2 hours
Good session. Working on another V7. Starts with a dyno, then ends with tiny, slopey, crappy holds. I’ll get it the next time I’m rested up no problem. Afterwards: campus board work.
Date Day with Shay.
21 Laps on Freeway/Second Flatiron
I mean, why not?

A little fun on a most remarkable day (although the lack of snow this season is indeed terrifying). Got to the laps at around 8:00am, with laps taking ~30 minutes each what with pacing myself, filming myself, and hangout with Shay. Laps started getting much slower as the sun was setting, so I called it at around 7:30pm, so that I could get some rest for work tomorrow. 21 laps is now my record (who knows if there’s an actual record?), beating out my last best of 20. Oh the strange games we play.