Bouldering @ Movement
Finally got the blue V7 I’ve been working on. Change in beta was to switch the heel hook onto my toe, before rocking over and getting my left foot on the high hold. Good stuff.
Spin Bike, 1hr
Yoga, 1hr
Alignment. Ahhh.
Bouldering @ Movement, 1 hr
Warmed up on the new set, then sent a new V7 that I started that sess. Probably means it’s a little soft, but I loved the last big move to a above the head gaston press thing while on crappy feet.
Green Mountain
Quick bop up via Freeway. The base is a little iced over, so took the slightly higher right start, then just kept going up the super wide crack you naturally follow – which was actually really fun, even though I’ve done this route a million times.
Once I got to the jump, I wandered a bit more and scrambled up to a cave I either have never seen or have forgotten all about. No two days are ever the same on the hill. Bop of Green, then a trot down.

Weather was supposed to be snow, but forecast was off. Good time haunting a coffee shop, wandering a thrift store, making nachos and indulging in garbage TV.
Bouldering @ Movement, 2 hours
Kept working on the newer set.
Spin Bike, 1hr
I don’t remember doing nothing, but I can’t find anything in my notes that I did anything, so TWO rest days this week!
Climbing/Bouldering @ Movement
One of my climbing partners has recovered enough from heart surgery to climb again, so hurray. I warmed up on some 10’s and 11’s, and then was hungry to find a project to work on. Tried a nice 12c (too hard!), then a 12b (too easy!), until settling on a different 12b (juuust right!) to focus my efforts on. There’s one hard reachy move down low at like the second clip, then everything else flowed pretty easy with techy moves on small holds. I can almost see myself topping it on TR the next time I’m on it. before sending it on lead afterwards (that may take a few sessions).
Afterwards, I ran into Katie in the bouldering area, so I hung with her for a little while doing some silly V6 in the cave that starts with campusing moves to a razor blade move on the lip. Safe to say, no send for me. Worked on a V6 and V5 I’ve tried before without luck.
Spin Bike, 1hr
ECR Bike Ride
Rode to the coffee shop to finish edits on the third episode of the Slowlans series, and then up Wagonwheel in the first time in it seems: ages. Left crank was clicking in a weird way, so I stopped to investigate at the bottom of the hill only to find the crank cracked a the bolts. Sad day. You can’t buy these cranks really anymore, so finding just the left crank may be out of the question unless I get lucky. I’ll have to figure out a cost-effective replacement I guess. Cut the ride a little short.
Somewhat unsettling to see the Ghost Bike on Wagonwheel. I used to live even closer to this hill climb – as well as Lee Hill, so was on both often. Wagonwheel was also part of the Boulder Ultra Cross that I toasted on my Surly Singlespeed a few millennia ago.