Bike Commuting (20 miles)
Bouldering @ Spot Louisville
Challenging boulders set here, for sure. I wasn’t expecting any great performance from myself after recently doing Pikes Peak from Manitou Springs, but I had enough fun, I guess.
After wandering around trying to find the perfect boulder that was engaging enough/something I could actual do in a session, I decided to check out a slab boulder, which I found fun enough. Afterwards, I used most of my energy on a stemming problem in a corner, which wasn’t very hard, except finishing the boulder required matching a matchbox-sized hold, which I couldn’t quite do.
Bike Commuting (20 miles)
Snow day! Although I didn’t know exactly when the snow would fall.
Bouldering @ Movement, 2 hours
Unfortunately, I woke up with a strained back, which I wasn’t sure how that would affect my climbing, or if it would allow me to climb. I took it slow, foam rolling out my back and actually warming up before even getting on the walls. Then, gave myself a ton of rest between burns. A nice, albeit straightforward V5 on the overhanging wall took most of my attention, but no send. With the back feeling OK, a tiny little cut on my finger seemed to be the limiting factor to my climbing, as lame as that sounds. The best climb of the day though was another V5 in the corner, which started as a strange/awkward press/stem up a shallow corner, which I was happy to send at like, the third hour of bouldering.
Weight Training
Afterwards, I lifted for a little while. Started with squats, then bench, then deadlifts, then weighted pullups. Sometimes lifting heavy stuff is what feels best.
It snowed about 10 inches, so it seemed wise to take a mostly off-trail route to the summit of Green Mountain, right? Shoulda brought a snorkel. Good amount of big cat tracks in the usual places. Took the trail down, to get back to the TH before dark.

Bouldering @ Movement, 2 hours
Fun session. It seems like every wall has recently been reset which makes it difficult to focus on one thing, but I got wrapped up in a yellow V6 on the overhanging wall. It features a tricky traverse across a good third of the lower wall, then a difficult transition up to the top. No one move was altogether hard, but linking things together was the crux of the matter. I was surprised to put it all together.
After that, I worked on another V6 on a more vertical wall, and that went down relatively quickly – maybe a slightly uncooked problem.
A good time snorkeling up Green Mountain (again). My route up was almost entirely off trail and very much drifted over. Good fun. Took the NE ridge down, then back of the First (which wasn’t recorded – oh well).
Bouldering @ Movement, 2 hours
Good session, although I don’t remember many details. Putting in the time!
Weight Training
Squats + Deadlifts + Weighted Pullups. Think I pulled up to 275lb on the deadlift, which isn’t very impressive, but I’d like to stay uninjured, and I’m happy getting better very slowly.