Question time.

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Alright, I’m about to wolf down my second McDUH meal in a row – I’m that hungry and I don’t have a clue about the next time I’m going to eat and I’m probably going to try to do about 50km more on the machine (Say it with me, in the style of Kraftwerk: Machine, machine, machine, machine, machine, machine, machine, maaaachine!) before I fall down in exhaustion – which is the plan, find a grassy hill, fall down in exhaustion,

I wanted to know if any of you have any q’s that I can answer.

I haven’t been writing much, since I JUST got this bloggery thing working and I seriously: get up, ride my bike and when I make my camp sauvage, I completely pass out until morning. It’s beautiful, but other than a log of kilometer…age, time and place, I don’t have much of a touring log, so let me know some questions, and I’ll try to answer them. Yes. That’ll get me writing. It’s all on your shoulders. Yes it is.

I’ll try to get anonymous posting happening, so post anonymously if you want to, but please leave your name, so I can say hello, and send… kisses!

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16 years ago

Just make sure to visit one of those famous au naturale beaches, OK.

16 years ago

Do they really call it a Royale With Cheese?

Scott Gamble
16 years ago

Whats your touring rig? Pictures and details please.Incidentally your blog is an RSS feed on my blog now –

Mather Family
16 years ago

“Quel heure est-il?” = What time is it?All of Hyland’s baggage was lost on one of his trips to Amsterdam last year. He was in the country for 10 days, and returned to the US, without it. Then they sent it to our house when it was recovered.Yes, he smelled terrible too.Ride to Amsterdam, come visit..