Long Ranger Express Archives


CMC Mountain Fest Bikepacking Talk + Workshop: Saturday, September 28th, Golden Colorado

September 11th 2019 PST

Howdy everyone, It's been quite the summer, and things don't seem to be winding down one bit. I'll be doing a talk and leading a bikepacking workshop at the Colorado Mountain Club's Mountain Fest on Saturday, September 28th in Golden, CO. Tickets are available at their site for this two-day event. Find more information and register for the event at the Mountain Fest site. Here's a little bit of what I'll be doing: Bikepacking With Justin Simoni | 2:30 – 3:30 p.m. Have you ever wondered what it would take to combine ba ...Continue Reading

Free Bikepacking Clinic at Bent Gate Mountaineering, May 22nd

April 17th 2019 PST

Hey howdy everyone, this is Justin Simoni and this a message from my newsletter. First one too - so if you subscribed a while ago, and haven't received anything since.... well: that's why. I wanted to tell you about a Bikepacking clinic I'll be running on May 22nd at Bent Gate Mountaineering in Golden, CO. I'll be sharing some stories, demoing some gear, giving advice for gear + routes, and I'll have a few giveaways as well. The event is free. Bring your stoke and your passion to learn about this wonderful way to see ou ...Continue Reading
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